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Essential Oil是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911...
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Essential...O 发布时间:2021-03-25
Essential Oil是什么意思 Essential Oil在线翻译 Essential Oil什么意思 Essential Oil的意思 Essential Oil的翻译 Essential Oil的解释 Essential OilEssential Oil 双语例句

1. Anti-aging Precious Cream is formulated with Immortelle essential oil that promotes collagen synthesis and stimulates skin microcirculation. The skin is smoother and firmer.

2. Essential Oil在线翻译

2. At present, the company already has an annual output capacity of 5, 000 tons of spices, essential oils contain the remaining 80% Portland, 70%, 65%, 60%, Mentha spicata oil, Litsea Cubeba oil, ginger oil, garlic oil, citronella oil, and all kinds of natural spices.

3. My lip gloss has the essential oil orange in it which unquestionably lifts my spirits in an instant.

4. Ingredients:Wild kudzu root essence, rose essence, geranium essential oil, jasmine essence, phospholipid vesicle

5. Essential Oil什么意思

5. Macadamia Nut Oil, Joba Oil, Vitamin e, Tamanu Oil, Blackseed Oil, Rose Geranium oil, Frankinsense Oil, Lavender Oil, Lecithin, Co-enzyme Q10, Vitamin A, Citral*, D-lomene*, Citronellol*, Geraniol*, Linalool**from 100% natural essential oils.
澳洲坚果油,氢化霍霍巴油,维生素E,红厚壳油,blackseed油,玫瑰老鹳草油,乳香油,薰衣草油,卵磷脂,抗氧化Q10的酵素,维生素A ,柠檬醛*,右旋柠烯*,香茅醇*,香叶醇*,芳樟醇

6. The screening of antimicrobial activity of the essential oil was evaluated using agar diffusion and broth microdilution methods.


7. The fatty acids composition in the Pine seed oil were determined by means of gas chromatography and gas chromatography -mass spectrometry. The unsaturated fatty acids amounted to 90% of total fatty acids, in which 62% is essential to human health.

8. Its fragrant flowers contain essential oil that could be extracted for perfume.

9. METHODS GC-MS was used to analyse the chemical constituents of the essential oil of Thymus quinquelostatus Celak.

10. Results: The essential oil from the fresh Houttuynia Cordata Thunb possessed the highest antibacterial activity against Staph. aureus and Sarcina, and the MIC was 1/2 х 10(-3) ml/ml.

11. The compound essential oil is formed by raw material drugs in the unit of weight share as the: 200 shares of ligusticum, 150 shares of viter rotundifolia, 150 shares of borneol, 100 shares of elsholtzia haichowensis, 100 shares of mint and 100 shares of muskiness essence.

12. From the Greece and Rome who absorbed fragrance with oil to the rose essential oil which is refined by applying distillation in Arabia and the dense fragrance of palace which was constructed with muskiness and slurry, various fragrant products, fragrant greases, fragrant creams, aromatic essential oils, flavor and perfume, people are enchanted to various fragrance and are willing to obtain them with high cost.

13. Organic Musk Rose Oil and Sweet Almond Oil, high in essential fatty acids, nourishes and softens the skin, improving elasticity.

14. Simulation results show that cellulosic material is constrained in a middle temperature condition during a rather long period of time, since heat transferred from the surrounding can not meet the endothermic need of primary cracking reaction, which virtually forms the essential condition for biomass pyrolysis to yield bio-oil.

15. The invention discloses a compound essential oil for treating cold, allergic rhinitis and allergic pharyngitis and a preparation method thereof, the traditional Chinese medicine is mainly composed of pharmaceutical raw materials with the following parts by weight: 300 parts of biond magnolia flower, 300 parts of perilla, 250 parts of fineleaf schizonepeta herb, 200 parts of peppermint, 160 parts of apricot kernel, 100 parts of borneol and 100 parts of musk fragrance.

16. Essential Oil

16. The compound essential oil of the invention has the effects of anti-allergy, dispersing lung-qi, relieving stuffy nose, arresting nasal mucus, relieving sore throat and arresting cough, which is used for the treatment of cold, allergic rhinitis, allergic pharyngitis and other diseases.

17. A trap is one of the five essential requisite s for a commercial accumulation of oil or gas.

18. A trap is one of the five essential requisites for a commercial accumulation of oil or gas.

19. Essential Oil的意思

19. A mild sesame scrab bar with a cooling essential oil blend, great for all skin types.

20. For cold sores dab neat Tea Tree Essential Oil directly onto the burning sensation at the first signs of a cold sore, or use it mixed with a little vodka.

Essential Oil 单语例句911查询·英语单词

1. Sprinkle a few drops of your favorite essential oil into the toilet such as peppermint, lavender or citrus scents.

2. Increased domestic supply is essential to meeting China\'s expanding demand for natural resources like oil, coal and natural gas.

3. A person can select from five different essential oil blends for the signature Lotos massage.

4. This is an essential way to make oil companies shoulder their social responsibilities.

5. The government is threatening to use emergency orders to keep essential workers on the job, including at oil refineries and hospitals.

6. Stability in the city is essential if Iraq is to attract huge investments needed to restore its neglected oil fields and export facilities.

7. The authorities\'effort to stabilize oil supplies is essential to ensuring sound development of the national economy.

8. \" The oil shale industry is essential to safeguarding China\'s energy security, \" Ding said.

9. Burn peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil in an oil burner or spill a few drops onto a tissue and inhale deeply.

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本文链接: http://essentialoilcompany.immuno-online.com/view-719750.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)